District Judge Accepts Plea Deal from Wikileaks Founder

State Department releases statement after Australian pled guilty to espionage.

The State Department responded to a plea deal made this week that allowed Julian Assange to return home to Australia, maintaining that his actions put lives at risk. The Wikileaks founder pled guilty to one charge of espionage for publishing governmental leaks posted by whistleblower Chelsea Manning in 2010, which revealed a number of war crimes committed by the U.S. military during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

“There’s another significant fact – the government has indicated there is no personal victim here,” Chief U.S. District Judge Ramona Manglona said on Wednesday as she accepted the guilt plea. “That tells me the dissemination of this information did not result in any known physical injury.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For federal judges and justices to receive God’s wisdom as they issue opinions and decisions.
  • For U.S. government officials to be discerning in their positions regarding freedom of information.

Sources: Reuters, Washington Post


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